Submission Guidelines

Theatre Street Journal (ISSN 2456-754X)-Submission Guidelines

Papers should be in Times New Roman with 12 point font size. Articles should be original, unique and unpublished work. It should conform to APA Style of Referencing, preferably within 5,000-7,000 words accompanied with the Author/s’ Name, Address, E-mail, Website, Designation and Institutional Affiliation. The author/s should submit a signed declaration (scan copy) along with the article to the effect that it is an original, unpublished work not submitted anywhere else for publication. The Papers complete in all respect should be accompanied with an abstract and keywords. No page marking should be done. Selected paper authors shall be intimated over email. Regarding selection of papers the decision of the Editor shall be final.

All articles/reviews should adhere to the following guidelines:

1. All manuscripts submitted should be original and not under consideration for another publication.
2. The journal is peer-reviewed. Contributions submitted will go through a blind peer-review process and will be reviewed by academics working in relevant fields. Invited papers, articles and essays will be reviewed by the editorial board.
3. All contributions must be submitted electronically in Word and must adhere to the following: (a) Times New Roman 12-point font, (b) justified, (c)1.5 spacing,(d) no paragraph indentation,(e) double spacing between paragraphs, (f) please include page numbers, (g) no identifying headers or footers are to be used in papers which are to be blind-refereed, (h) do not use bold or underlining at any time: for emphasis or titles, use italics.
4. Submissions must be in camera-ready format and include tables, graphs, charts, etc. within the text.
5. Submissions must be written according to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, latest edition. See:
6. Authors are requested NOT to use the automated footnoting feature in Word as these do not import well into HTML format. Simply type the endnotes and footnotes at the end of the article as per APA Guidelines.
7. All submissions should be accompanied by the following information which should be presented on the front page only: (a) article title, (b) author name/s, (c) current position/affiliation, (d) brief biography (approximately 50 words), (e) email and mail addresses, (f) a brief abstract (approximately 200 words) (g) five to ten keywords reflecting the contents of paper, (h) word count (excluding notes) and (i) the URL for author/s’ personal web page, (k) a brief statement that clearly indicates the article/review etc is not submitted simultaneously for consideration to any other publication.
8. Although there is no absolute limit on length, submitted papers may be confined to approximately 7000 words, excluding notes.
9. Commentaries should be between 2500 and 3500 words.
10. Book Reviews should not be longer than 1500 words. The title of the review should be a full reference to the book reviewed, including publication details and the ISBN. Review articles that consider more than one book, and which share a theme or field, are also accepted. These articles should be between 2000 and 3000 words long. Please give review articles a title and a subtitle with full reference to the books reviewed (including the ISBN).
11. Performance Reviews should be of performances of a play performed as per the time period stipulated in the ‘Call for Papers’. The author should clearly mention the name of the performance, performing troupe/company, playwright and director, the venue, date and duration of the performance. The author has to obtain necessary permission/consent of the performing authorities, if needed any.
12. Images should be not be sent as separate files as either GIF or JPG. Do embed images into word documents. Please keep file size to a minimum.
13. Authors are responsible for obtaining any necessary permission from copyright holders for reproducing previously published material, including charts, graphs, photos, tables, etc.
14. Although contributing authors retain copyright, they give permission to Theatre Street Journal to reprint their published articles in other electronic and print formats, including books.
15. Authors are highly encouraged to include related and useful web links in their work. This allows the Journal to maximize its potential.
16. Authors are expected to carefully proofread their work before submission.
17. Manuscripts must be submitted electronically as an email attachment at in MS-Word only with a forwarding email addressed to the Editor, Theatre Street Journal .
18. Deadline for submission every year is October 31.
19. Every year TSJ will be published online on March 27 (World Theatre Day) in its website
20. Download:TSJ Self Declaration

Note: Please contact the Editor if you have any further questions.
Editor: Sourav Gupta