Research Article 2019

Research Article
1. Corporate Theatre: Staging drama on corporate platforms By Vurity Mounika &
P Bobby Vardhan
Click Here
2. Shakunir Pasha: Humanification of Mahabharat’s most misunderstood villain By Sujata Mukhopadhyay Click Here
3. Drawing parallelism of alienation in Brecht’s ‘Epic Theatre’ and Therukoothu By Manish Kumar Click Here
4. Innovation and participatory methods of message construction and dissemination: Street Theatre model By Jolly Jose Click Here
5. With the sound through the scape: Sonic mediation in the performative moment of proclamation in Jantā Pāgal Ho Gayī Hai By Anirban Kumar Click Here
6. Tamasha : The vanishing folk art form of Maharashtra By Aditi Panda Click Here